资 源 简 介
How it works
This plugin will send information about the currently playing song in Rhythmbox to a certain URL as a series of GET parameters:
* artist
* title
* album
* genre
* year
* duration - in seconds
When nothing is playing, or when the plugin is deactivated (i.e. Rhythmbox is closed), it will send an empty request (no parameters).
# Installation #
1. Download a release from this website and unpack it to $HOME/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/
1. (Re)start Rhythmbox, go to Edit -> Plugins and check RhythmToWeb
1. Click on Configure... and configure the plugin:
* URL will be called with information about the currently playing song
* Interval: This is the interval (seconds) at which the plugin checks if the song changed. The reason for polling at an interval