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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 新红木缅甸Unicode字体5.1字体昭济


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04/03/2011 I am not developing or modifying Padauk-Zawgyi any further due to possible copyright conflicts of Zawgyi-One. Zawgyi-Uni.ttf Font-family - Zawgyi-Uni This font is meant to be used for working with large database files or working in environments without contextual font rendering. The outcome is barely readable. "ေ" Tha-wai-htoe will be on top of letters. padauk-Zawgyi.vtp This file is VOLT project file for scripting tables. ##Note: A lot of people pointed me out that using Padauk as part of this font name may violate the OFL description for reserved font name. I admit I didn"t notice that and now I know. But according to OFL, a font name has to be reserved by describing as reserved font name together with the license. Otherwise, it doesn"t automatically reserve. Anyway, I will change the font name for later versions. Plz let this be as Padauk-Zawgyi.:)## --- The fonts a

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