资 源 简 介
MAX7221float is a collection of two small Arduino libraries MAX7221spi and MAX7221shift allowing you to multiplex 8 digits using the popular MAX7219 or MAX7221.
MAX7221spi uses the SPI library for fast 8MHz communication.
MAX7221shift uses software pin toggling to accomplish the same thing.
There are a lot of code out there for the MAX7221 but none of them allows the automatic display of floating point numbers.
The library allows the display of positive floating point numbers up to 99999999 and negative values up to -9999999.
The negative sign always follows the first digit after the decimal point and coupled with permanent zero leading blanking allows the library to meet low power requirements.
You also have the ability to test all the digits and shutdown the MAX7221 for low power operation. In addition to this you can adjust the brightness of the 8 digits from within your code.
The library has been updated to work with Arduin