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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 实现窗体自动隐藏方法有多种,可以使用定时器,不断监视鼠标,当鼠标移动到窗体边缘时,显示窗体,当鼠标离开后隐藏窗体。也可以在鼠标收到WM_NCMOUSEMOVE或...


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实现窗体自动隐藏方法有多种,可以使用定时器,不断监视鼠标,当鼠标移动到窗体边缘时,显示窗体,当鼠标离开后隐藏窗体。也可以在鼠标收到WM_NCMOUSEMOVE或 WM_MOUSEMOVE(无边框窗体)时激活窗体,然后在窗体消息WM_ACTIVE中设置显示或隐藏,这种方法在窗体未失去焦点时不会隐藏。我在原本的设计中便使用这种方法,只是在设计时发现非主窗体不太合适,激活窗体时会出现两个键盘焦点,而且我所需要的焦点是虚假的,可能我的设计不当,那位朋友若能完美实现,不妨交流一下。-achieve automatic hidden forms There are different ways they can use timers, constant surveillance mouse, the mouse moved to the brink of the form, the form shown when the mouse left hidden forms. The mouse can also receive WM_NCMOUSEMOVE or WM_MOUSEMOVE (no window frame), activated forms, and then in the form set WM_ACTIVE news show or hide, in the form of this method has not lost its focus will not be hidden. In my original design will use this method, the design was found non-main forms not appropriate, will be activated when there Form 2 keyboard focus, and I need the focus is false, maybe I am a poorly designed and friends who can achieve perfection, it may be things about.

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