资 源 简 介
Unmenu is an improved, extensible web interface to supplement the web-based management console on Lime-Technology"s unRAID Network Attached Storage OS.
Unmenu is a web-server and a set of web-pages written in GNU Awk. It is restricted in that it can only handle one "request" connection at a time. Plug-in pages can be written in "awk" or in any interpreted text language.
To install this on an unRAID server
Create a /boot/unmenu directory
mkdir /boot/unmenu
Download the unmenu_install zip file. The install utility will download the latest version of unMENU. (It does not have the same version number as unMENU)
Unzip and move unmenu_install to the /boot/unmenu directory.
cd /boot/unmenu
unmenu_install -i -d /boot/unmenu
If you already have an older unmenu version installed type
unmenu_install -u
To check an existing installation fo