资 源 简 介
A simple and multiplatform space invaders implementation in OpenGL/glut.
tgalaxy is a Space Invaders-like game implementation.
Gameplay notes
As you might know already, your objective in this game is to destroy the nasty
aliens that are trying to invade Earth. You are Earth"s last hope against the
alien hordes. To accomplish your mission, you must control your space-adapted
airplane. The game controls are mouse-based. Move your mouse towards the
window right border and your ship will move right. Move it to the left border,
and it will move left. If you don"t want it to move at all, leave your mouse
in the window"s center. To shoot, just left click your mouse.
Additional controls
Right click or "p" key - (un)pause game
Middle click or "d" key - Enters debug mode (pauses the game and prints the game objects" parameters to a console
Pressing the "r" key restarts the game
Build Ins