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Organize files on your computer with arbitrary text tags.
This is a command-line utility that allows you to manipulate tags given to files and list files with given tags.
tagit [-h] [--help] [-t TAGS] [-d DATA_FILE] [COMMAND] [FILES]
-h, --help: print this usage information
-t : comma separated list of tags
-d : database file (defaults to ~/.tagit.pkl)
COMMAND: Available commands are
a : Assign specified tags to specified files
r : Remove specified tags from specified files
lt : list tags
lf : list files corresponding to the given tags
reset : Remove all associations (Warning: This cannot be undone!)
FILES : can be any list of files separated by spaces. shell glob patterns are also accepted. This is a required argument unless the -l or -h flags are specified
Assign tags "important" and "work" to all pdf files in the current directory
tagit -t important,work,todo a *.pdf