资 源 简 介
This project was done at Philips Embedded Systems Lab at SJCE Mysore
The code provides basic CLI to control multiple IR devices over TCP/IP.
* client -> to submit request
* server -> continously runs and serves client
* adapter -> generates config file.
server runs on the dev board, to which IRMS3 is connected. client runs on any device that connects to network (in our case, another dev board or host machine). adapter generates a simple config file.The system also provides a Scheduling capability, so that commands will be submitted to the devices(ex: air conditioner) at a scheduled time.
client can be integrated to a speech recognizer, so that voice commands can be given
For speech recognition, we used(with few changes) cvoicecontrol (http://www.kiecza.net/daniel/linux/) in our project and for UI we developed an app using GTK+ and Glade.
This is the first version of the code, qui