资 源 简 介
A working version of NetRadiant for Snow Leopard.
Why NetRadiant - because it seems to be best currently.
NetRadiant 1.5.0, SVN revision 402 as of Sun Oct 4 20:01:25 2009
If there is a newer version, then I would try it first, instead of what is suggested here.
The above file works fine under 10.6.3, after following fixes applied,
delete the libxml2.2.dylib in the packageg,
modify netradiant.sh to look like that if it bugs you about convert.h errors:
if [ -x /usr/bin/open-x11 ]; then env LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" /usr/bin/open-x11 ./radiant.ppc "$@" &else env LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" ./radiant.ppc "$@" &fi
You can find an already modified version in the attachements here: http://sites.google.com/site/peyoteet/mapres/netradiant
# Source #
As of latest MacPorts there is a bug I was u