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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 利用游戏引擎实现简单游戏的设计


资 源 简 介

Project Description The project is to design an implementation of simple game by using game engine ## Requirements: ## 1 Panel size is 800 multiple 800. 2 Our plane has three lives. One shoot will kill one life of a plane. 3 The life sample shows in the northwest of the panel. 4 Our planes cannot move around, only move left and right, and cannot move outside of the panel. 5 There are three types of enemy planes, big planes, middle planes, and small planes. 6 Enemy planes only move from up to down. 7 Four enemy planes are generated every time, and types of enemy planes are randomly generated. 8 the bullets of our planes are controlled by keyboard, while the bullets of enemy planes are randomly generated. 9 The speed of bullets is two times faster than that of planes.