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Design and implement a distributed system, consisting of a Web Application (called Front-End) for interacting with the user, a Database used by the Front-End and another Web Application (called Service) that generates dynamic data based on HTTP Requests coming from the Front-End.
The following operating scenarios should be considered:
I. The Front-End starts by requesting the users to login. The user’s login data will be confronted with login credentials stored in the Database.
II. Upon successful login, the user will be redirected to another web page in the Front End, based on his role. There are the “administrator user” and “simple user” roles. The administrators should be able to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on the collection of users in the database, through the Front End application. The simple users will be redirected to a welcome page which will display the user specific information held in the database for each user (inclu