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Flickr OpenGL library and screensaver built on .Net TAO library.
Flickr screen saver that shows images by:
* User - Favorites, Set, Tags, Contacts
* Group
* Everyone - Tags, Recent, Interestingness
* Local files/directories
After installing, to use Slickr, you must obtain an application key here: http://www.flickr.com/services/api/keys/.
Then go to the Control Panel, Display, Slickr, Settings, Key tab and paste the key and the secret into the specified fields.
This hasn"t been worked on in a long while, and isn"t actively supported; but hopefully by giving out all the source you can hack on it or take what you want from it.
Also, while it uses a couple Mono libraries, I never could get it to compile in Mono. It was never my intention to make Windows only software but thats how it rolled.