资 源 简 介
Annotation-driven MBean exporting
Juxtapose consists of annotations to configure the export of attributes and methods, and a Registrar class, responsible for registering your objects with an MBean server.
Annotate attributes for export:
@Export(description = "myIntegerAttribute")public int getIntegerAttribute(){ // ...}
Annotate methods for export:
@Exportpublic void updateCounter(final int value){ // ...}
Annotate your object to define a description and JMX ObjectName:
@ExportBean(path = "my.bean.path:type=MyObject", description = "My Object")public final class MyObject{ // ...}
All annotation arguments are optional, sensible defaults will be used if they are not present.
To register/deregister your object with the local MBean server, use the Registrar