资 源 简 介
Becorpus - Biocaster Event Corpus and Tools
The need for computational tools for the tracking of emerging disease outbreaks from text has become increasingly important in recent years, leading to the development of various machine aided surveillance systems (for example, Biocaster, Healthmap, GPhin, MedISys, Puls and Epispider). This project provides an annotation scheme, corpus download tool, and associated software tools for the evaluation of event based disease outbreak text mining systems in the context of the Biocaster project.
The corpus construction process proceeded in two phases, with each phase consisting of the initial identification of one hundred documents. The final corpus (i.e. 200 documents in total) is a union of Phase 1 (README) and Phase 2 ( 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报