资 源 简 介
IMPORTANT: This plugin has moved to GitHub: https://github.com/johann-petrak/gateplugin-ModularPipelines . This site is kept for reference and for people who need or want to use one of the old versions of the plugin.
A plugin for the GATE (http://gate.ac.uk) language technology framework that provides the following resources:
* Pipeline PR: This PR represents a stored pipeline by a file URI. If this PR is included in a pipeline and the containing pipeline is loaded into GATE, to stored pipeline represented by the PR is loaded recursively as a contained (modular) pipeline. This allows for nested pipelines to be maintained separately. In addition the PR has a runtime parameter that allows the user to edit a feature map of key/value pairs which are used to override any runtime parameter of the contained pipeline.
If you use a GATE version from after 2012-12-12, the plugin c