资 源 简 介
Resuelve is a software library, written in C, designed to be used with the Chumby Botball Controller (CBC). Resuelve allows a robot to navigate a map laid out in a text file. The map establishes a coordinate system for the robot, and Resuelve is capable of calculating and driving a path between two points on the map while avoiding collisions with obstacles designated on the map.
file: robot.c
#include "resuelve.c"
int main ()
// structs for course and solver
struct ResuelveCourse course;
struct ResuelveSolver solver;
// load map file into course and solver
resuelve (&course, &solver, "map.txt");
// show each step of the path
resuelve_set_animate_path (&solver, 1);
// calculate a path between start and finish
resuelve_calculate_path (&course, &solver);
file: map.txt