资 源 简 介
Splits stdin to several command lines. Compare with xargs which converts stdin to arguments of command lines.
Install with:
pip install ypipe
Note: Take a look at GNU Parallel as well. With Parallel you can basically do the same, so it might be what you are looking for.
ypipe -h:
usage: ypipe [-h] [-l N] [-f FILE] [--end-regex REGEX] [--start-regex REGEX][--split-xml-elements XPATH] [--pdb]
command ...
Splits stdin to several command lines. Compare with xargs which converts stdin
to arguments of command lines.
positional arguments:
command The command to be executed and piped to.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l N, --max-lines N Use at most N input lines per command line.
-f FILE, --read-file FILE
Read from file instead of stdin
--end-regex REGEX If REGEX matches, it is the last line for the