资 源 简 介
Just another Guide called VanillaGuide
specifically created for Classic/PreTBC/Vanilla BlizzLike Private servers.
VanillaGuide aim to cover the hole for an in-game guide for Vanilla WoW.
The AddOn features:
* Step-by-Step Zone Guides (from Joana and Brian Kopps work)
* Hints and Tips for various Quests
* MetaMapBWP Integration
## Credits ##
Well, thank you Joana/Mancow, you ruined my life with WoW, but I love you anyway.
and here"s the link to the REAL guide, from Joana itself (although it"s not for 1.12.x but more a 2.3.x version):
* http://www.joanasworld.com/meetjoanamancow.html
* http://www.joanasworld.com/azeroth.htm
* http://www.joanasworld.com/Joanas1-60Guide.pdf
## Donations ##
If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal.