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AS3 AIR ScreenManager
A multi-screen AIR application manager
Never wondered how cool it would be when your AIR application runs on 2 or more screens at the same time?
Adobe AIR supports multi-screen by offering the developer a Screen-class.
This class makes it possible to detect screens, get some info, and that"s it.
To open a window on a screen, you"ll have to do some calculations yourself.
To make positioning screens, moving screens, ... easier , I quickly build a ScreenManager that takes care of your NativeWindow(s).
Make an instance of the nativewindow and send it throught the manager.
Like this:
var nw:NativeWindow=new NativeWindow(new NativeWindowInitOptions());nw.width=250;nw.height=90;var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip(); //movieclip with contentnw.stage.addChild(mc);ScreenManager.openWindowCenteredOnScreen(nw,2);
The ScreenManager is a static class.
It allow the developer to control a NativeWindow through