资 源 简 介
It was to simulate a race among 4 mobile units to find their way with the help of two checkpoints and reach a target before they ran out of battery or went out of range.
The communication took place over TCP and UDP sockets in a client-server architecture.
It had 3 stages:
Bootstrapping, where the init coordinates plus other initialization data was read from a file, and address structures were defined and UDP and/or TCP sockets were created.
Route Discovery, mobile units moved according to the provided strategies in a file and tried to correct
course with the help of checkpoints while communicating with checkpoints over UDP sockets. Only Mobile
units that got to a certain proximity of the Target would receive TCP port number of the Target from Checkpoints
and the rest of Mobile units would be terminated.
contacting target:, Target was established and listened for the incoming connection requests from the mobile units that moved
on to phase3, accepted