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Package and eXtension Library (PXL)
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Latest Release available here: http://kaisakura.org/Breezy-20071009.zip
Supports latest iTunes, features "hands-free" installation, automatic installation of MobileSafari plugin and PXLPacks helper Springboard app.
What is PXL?
PXL (pronounced "pixel") is a package management tool for iPhone. It is still in the early stages, however. The primary component is a service called PXLdaemon, which runs on your iPhone; various client services (Breezy, iBrickr, Shimmer and so on) then speak to PXLdaemon in order to install or uninstall packages.
The goal is not only to have a reasonably extensible and sane format, but also keep the entire thing open source so that it can be a community effort to maintain and expand it.
How far along is it?
PXLdaemon is rea