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从问题到程序是裘宗燕编写的教材.介绍什么是好的程序设计以及如何进行好的程序设计... 任何语言都有弱点。有句名言说:“再好的语言也不能阻止人写出坏程序”。这不是说语言不重要,而是说任何语言都有合理使用,写好程序的问题。C在这方面的问题突出一点,读者应特别注意。 -.... A famous saying : "no matter how good the language is also not prevent people write bad procedures." This is not to say that language is not important, but said that any use of language is reasonable, written procedures. C in this issue highlight 1:00, the reader should pay particular attention to.