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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 互联网正承载着越来越多的多媒体数据,同一个多媒体数据大多在一个有着共同兴趣的群体里传输,例如在网络电视中观众共同同时收看一个体育比赛,在远程医疗中医生们共同传看...


  • 资源大小:4.23 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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互联网正承载着越来越多的多媒体数据,同一个多媒体数据大多在一个有着共同兴趣的群体里传输,例如在网络电视中观众共同同时收看一个体育比赛,在远程医疗中医生们共同传看一个大型的CT片,传输这些媒体数据需要大量的网络资源,在资源有限、需求开始旺盛的今天,有必要对这些海量信息的传输机制进行研究,以及量少的网络资源(例如路由器、交换机)获得尽快尽好的传输服务。本文的研究动机是解决如何利用现存的网络设施来实现媒体流的高效组通讯的问题。 -The Internet is carrying an increasing number of multimedia data, multimedia data are mostly the same in a group share a common interest in transmission, for example, in the network television audience while watching a sports competition, in telemedicine, doctors look at a common mass large-scale CT films, transmission of these media data requires a large amount of network resources, limited resources, needs to start strong today, there is a need for these massive information transmission mechanism, as well as the less network resources (such as routers, switches ) access to transmission services as soon as possible to do good. This study is motivated to solve how to make use of existing network infrastructure to achieve high-performance streaming media group communications

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