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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Matlab > 这里包含三个高质量的Gabor实现代码,分别基于C、OpenCV、Matlab,大家各取所需吧。Gabor变换可以实现在多个尺度、多个方位上的变换,尤其是对于纹...


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这里包含三个高质量的Gabor实现代码,分别基于C、OpenCV、Matlab,大家各取所需吧。Gabor变换可以实现在多个尺度、多个方位上的变换,尤其是对于纹理的检测有很好的效果,研究表明Gabor特征符合人眼感受野特性。 -Here are three high-quality implementation of the Gabor code, respectively, based on C, OpenCV, Matlab, let everyone take what we need. Gabor transform can be achieved in a number of scales, a number of position on the transformation, especially for the detection of texture have very good results, the study shows that the characteristics in line with Gabor receptive field characteristics of the human eye.

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