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比较五种窗函数特性matlab程序:得到矩形窗、海明窗、三角窗、汉宁窗和布莱克曼窗图形。从仿真结果可知:矩形窗设计的过渡带最窄,但阻带最小衰减也最差。布莱克曼窗设计的阻带最小衰减最好,但过渡带最宽。-Comparison of characteristics of five kinds of window function matlab program: to be a rectangular window, Hamming window, triangular window, Hanning window and Blackman window graphics. From the simulation results we can see: the rectangular window designed for narrow transition zone, but the minimum stop-band attenuation is also the worst. Blackman window design of the stop-band minimum attenuation is best, but the transitional zone widest.