资 源 简 介
很简单的图形编辑工具,1. 支持直线、矩形和椭圆三种基本图元,并且支持这些图元的组合图形;
2. 支持彩色填充和多种线型;
3. 具有文件的打开、保存、另存、退出功能;
4. 支持鼠标,键盘操作;
5. 具有选择、复制、镜像、旋转、删除等编辑功能,并且通过扩展机制(plugin)增加新功能;
6. 人机界面友好,帮助文件完整;
7. 设计文档齐备。
-very simple image edit tool,1,line, rectangle ,ellipse drawing,and support these meta compositing.2 support color fill and muti_type line.3, with the founction of opening file,saving file ,saving as ,exiting.4,support mouse and keyboard controlling.5,with the founction of selection,copying,mirror,rotating,using the plugin to add founctions.6,well interface,full help document.7,complete design document .