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在此申明,我上传的算法只包括算法实现的函数,并且注释清晰。不会把集成环境创建的一些无用文件包含进来,以方便读者找到核心代码并作出分析。请大家以我为榜样。此外还请上传算法的程序员们,写的算法只依赖一种语言的标准库,不要弄些调用库来实现的东西,来糊弄人。-Mathematical morphology algorithm, the expansion of corrosion. Can be in any area would be pixel image use guidelines. I uploaded with better opentrim use. To make it clear that I upload only the algorithms, including algorithms to achieve the function, and clear notes. Integrated environment will not create a file contains some useless come, to facilitate the readers to find and to analyze the core code. Please follow the example of my.