资 源 简 介
Set rptCol = .Columns.Add(conColumn_±ê×¢ , "±ÃÊ ¾ ", 50, True)
rptCol.Editable = False
rptCol.Groupable = False
.SetImageList Me.imgList
.AllowColumnRemove = False
.MultipleSelection = False
.ShowItemsInGroups = False
With .PaintManager
.ColumnStyle = xtpColumnFlat
.GridLineColor = RGB(225, 225, 225)
.NoGroupByText = "Í Ï ¶ ¯ Á Ð Â±ÃªÌ â µ ½ Õ â À ï ,°´ ¸ à Á Ð ãƒ»Ö Ã—Ã©..."
.NoItemsText = "Ã » Ó Ð ¿ É Ï Ô Ê ¾ µ Ä Ï î Ä ¿ ..."
.VerticalGridStyle = xtpGridSolid
End With- Set rptCol = .Columns.Add(conColumn_cent , "Ecirc frac34 ", 50, True) rptCol.Editable = False rptCol.Groupable = False .SetImageList Me.imgList .AllowColumnRemove = False .MultipleSelection = False .ShowItemsInGroups = False With .PaintManager .ColumnStyle = xtpColumnFlat