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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Matlab > 一维伽辽金型无网格法MATLAB程序 无网格方法采用基于点的近似,可以彻底或部分地消除网格,不需要网格的初始划分和重构,不仅可以保证计算的精度,而且可以大大...

一维伽辽金型无网格法MATLAB程序 无网格方法采用基于点的近似,可以彻底或部分地消除网格,不需要网格的初始划分和重构,不仅可以保证计算的精度,而且可以大大...

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一维伽辽金型无网格法MATLAB程序 无网格方法采用基于点的近似,可以彻底或部分地消除网格,不需要网格的初始划分和重构,不仅可以保证计算的精度,而且可以大大减小计算的难度。然而,由于目前的无网格近似一般没有解析表达式,且大都基于伽辽金原理,因此计算量很大,要超出传统的有限元法;另外,无网格近似大都是拟合,因此对于位移边界的处理比较困难,多采用拉格朗日乘子法处理。-1维伽Galerkin-type meshless method MATLAB procedures meshless method based on the point of approximation, can be completely or partially eliminate the grid, the grid does not require the initial division and reconstruction, not only can guarantee the accuracy of the calculation, and can greatly reduce the difficulty of calculation. However, due to the current meshless approximation there is no analytic expression in general, and mostly based on the Galerkin principle, the calculation of a large volume, it is necessary to go beyond the traditional finite element method In addition, the meshless approximation are fitted, so displacement of the border more difficult to deal with, the use of Lagrange law.

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