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《Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing Algorithms》原始文件超过60M,没有办法上传,故分为两部分,这是第一部分。这本书是1995年的经典书,虽然标题是聚束SAR信号处理算法,但是里面讲述的经典内容不仅仅适用于聚束SAR,而是对更广阔的SAR也是通用的。这本书讲述了:合成孔径雷达基础;聚束SAR和极化格式算法;数字极化格式处理;相位误差;自聚焦技术;处理设计例程;SAR系统性能;聚束SAR处理应用;RMA算法;CS算法等内容。Library of congress cataloging-in-Publication DataCarrara, Walter GSpotlight synthetic aperture radar: signal processing algorithms /Walter GCarrara, Ron S Goodman. Ronald m. majewskiIncludes bibliographical references and indexISBN0-89006-728-71. Synthetic aperture radar. 2. Signal processing. 3. algorithms. I GoodmanRonS.正. Majewski, Ronald m.ⅡL.TitlTK6592S95c37199595-19078621.3848-dc20CIPBritish library Cataloguingin Publication DataCarrara. Walter gSpotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing AlgorithmsL. Tit621.3827工SBN0-89006-728-7C 1995 ARTECH HOUSE INC685 Canton StreetNorwood. MA 02062All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America. No part ofthis book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storageand retrieval system. without permission in writing from the publisher.International Standard Book Number: 0-89006-728-7Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-190781098765432To my wife CarolWGCTo Myong, Kyle, and ryanRSGTo my wife Mary, and to my parents Ron Nancy and Ray MargeRMMContentsPrefaceChapter I IntroductionI SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR1. 2 SAR MODES1.3 SPOTLIGHT MODE ATTRIBUTES1. 4 EARLY SAR DEVELOPMENT1. 4.1 Spotlight Mode and polar Format1.4.2 The Move to Digital Processing5 SPOTLIGHT SAR TODAYREFERENCES12455679933Chapter 2 Synthetic Aperture Radar Fundamentals2.1 SAR SYSTEM OVERVIEW2.1.1 System Operation142.1, 2 SAR Sensor152.1.3 Morion sensor2.1.4 Image Formation Processor2.1.5 Image Processor2.1.6 Image Exploitation Segment22. 2 IMAGING CONSIDERATIONS212.3 PULSE COMPRESSION AND RANGE RESOLUTION262.3. 1 Short Pulse22.3.2 Linear Fm Waveform272.3.3 Stepped-Frequency Waveform302. 4 SYNTHETIC APERTURE CONCEPT AND AZIMUTH RESOLUTION2. 4. 1 Real Beam Radar and Sar312.4.2 Synthetic Aperture Interval382.4.3 Beam Compression ratio2.4.4 Azimuth Chirp rate and doppler bandwidth of Received signal2. 4.5 Spotlight Scene Bandwidth after Azimuth Dechirp2.5 SAR COHERENCE REQUIREMENTS23662.5. I Propagation Effects on Phase Coherence2.5.2 Source Coherence in SAR472.5.3 Motion Effects on Phase Coherence2.6 SIGNAL PHASE EQUATION2.6. 1 Spotlight Data Collection Geomet572.6.2 Transmitted Signal--Linear FM Chirp62.6.3 Received Signal2.6. 4 Demodulated signal2.6.5 Sampled Signal2.6.6 Fine Motion Compensation702.6.7 Components of Signal Phase Equation2.7 INVERSE SAR722.7. 1 ISAR Geometry2.7.2 ISAR Analytical Mode2.8 SAR SENSOR PARAMETRIC DESIGN EXAMPLE762.9 SUMMARY78REFERENCES78Chapter 3 Spotlight SAR and Polar Format Algorithm813.1 SCOPE OF PROCESSING TASK813.1.1 Signal Processing Requirements3.1.2 Challenges in Spotlight Data Processing3.2 REVIEW OF IMAGE FORMATION ALGORITHMS3.2.1 Algorithm Survey3.2.2 Limitation of Rectangular Format3.3 POLAR FORMAT ALGORITHM953.3. 1 Algorithm Overview3.3.2 Signal History Model3.3.3 Polar Format Transformation3.3.4 Focus Target Plane Conceptl073.3.5 Selection of Image Display Plane1093, 4 SAR MAGING GEOMETRY3.4.1 Geometry Models3.4.2 Relative Motion1133.4.3 Differential Range3.4.4 Approximation for Differential Range1173.5 TAYLOR SERIES EXPANSION PROCEDURE193.5.1 Taylor Series Coefficients3.5.2 Calculation Procedures1223.6 BASIC IMAGING TERMS IN THE SIGNAL EQUATION1263.6. 1 Phase of Image Pixels1273.6.2 Basic Imaging Relationshi3.7 RANGE CURVATURE1323.8 NONPLANAR MOTION AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL SCENE1373.9 MOTION MEASUREMENT ERRORS3.9.1 Scene Center displacements423.9.2 Geometric Distortion1433.9.3 Quadratic Phase error1433.10 RESIDUAL VIDEO PHASE3. 1 1 ADDITIONAL ERROR SOURCES1473. 12 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TARGET AND IMAGE COORDINATES1483.12.1 Individual Contributors3. 12.2 Correction for Range Curvature image Distortion1503.13 IMAGE FOCUS ERROR SUMMARY1523.14 SUMMARY153REFERENCES154Chapter 4 Digital Polar Format Processing1574.1 SAMPLING RATE CONVERSION1584. 1. Upsampling1584.1.2 Downsampling1634.1.3 Resampling1634.2 POLYPHASE FILTERS4. 2. 1 A Resampling Example1664.2.2 Use of Polyphase Filters1684.2.3 Filtering Mechanicsl714.3 DIGITAL POLAR FORMAT RELATIONSHIPS1754.4 DIGITAL POLAR INTERPOLATION804.4.1 Range Interpolation1814.4.2 Azimuth Interpolation18745 IMAGE SCALE FACTORS4.6 SIGNAL HISTORY PROJECTIONS1914.6.1 Collection Surface to Focus Target Plane1914.6.2 Focus Target Plane to Image Display Plane914.7 STABILIZED SCENE POLAR INTERPOLATION1924.7.1 Example with Line-of-Sight Polar Interpolation1934.7.2 Example with Stabilized Scene Polar Interpolation1934.7.3 Considerations in Stabilized Scene Polar interpolation1954. 8 SUBPATCH PROCESSING1984.9 SUMMARY200REFERENCES200Chapter 5 Phase errors2035.1 CLASSIFICATION OF PHASE ERRORS5.1.1 Low-Frequency Phase Errors2065.1.2 High-Frequency Phase Errors2125.2 MANAGEMENT OF PHASE ERRORS2205.3 MAGNITUDE OF PHASE ERRORS2235.3.1 Errors in Position and motion measurement2255.3.2 Range Curvature2335.3.3 Residual Video Phase2335.3.4 Nonplanar Motion2355.3.5 Other Error Sources2355.4 REQUIREMENTS ON A PRACTICAL SAR MOTION SENSOR2365.5 MOVING TARGET EFFECTS5.6 SUMMARY242REFERENCES243Chapter 6 Autofocus Techniques2456.1 MAPDRIFT2466.1.1 Overview2466.1.2 Analytical Development6. 1, 3 Implementation2526.2 MULTIPLE APERTURE MAPDRIFT2526.2.1 Overview2546.2.2 Analytical Development2546.2.3 Implementation2586.3 PHASE DIFFERENCE2606.3.1 Overview2626.3.2 Analytical Development6.3.3 Implementation6.4 PHASE GRADIENT AUTOFOCUS2646.4. 1 Overview2656.4.2 Analytical Development2656.4.3 Implementation2686.5 PROMINENT POINT PROCESSING2686.5.1 Single Prominent Point Processing Algorithm2706.5.2 Multiple PPP Algorithm2746.5.3 Selection of Prominent points2816.6 SPACE-VARIANT REFOCUS28266.7 SUMMARY285REFERENCES287Chapter 7 Processor Design EamD2897.I THE COMMON UNIX SAR PROCESSOR2897.1. 1 DCS System Overview7. 1.2 Processor Overview927. 1.3 Signal Processor Software Architecture2947.2 THE GROUND-TO-AIR IMAGING RADAR PROCESSOR77. 2.1 GAIR System Overview2977. 2.2 Processor Overview3027.2.3 Preprocessing Segment3047.2. 4 Interactive Segment3087.2.5 Image Formation Segment7.2.6 Image Exploitation Segment3137. 3 SUMMARY313REFERENCESChapter SAR System Performance3158.1 IMAGE QUALITY METRICS3168.2 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE BUDGET8.3 REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO SYSTEM IMPULSE RESPONSE3208. 3. 1 Resolution3238.3.2 Peak Sidelobes3298.3.3 Integrated Sidelobe Ratio3308.4 REQUIREMENTS ON SYSTEM NOISE3308. 4. 1 Multiplicative Noise3328.4.2 Additive noise8.4.3 Contrast Ratio3358.5 GEOMETRIC DISTORTION3398.6 SECONDARY IMAGE QUALITY METRICS3428.7 TEST SITES FOR IMAGE QUALITY VERIFICATION458.7.1 Elements of the Test Site3458.7.2 Measurement of System Noise Parameters8.7.3 Example Test Site3518. 8 SUMMARY355REFERENCES356Chapter 9 Spotlight Processing Applications3579.1 SPOTLIGHT PROCESSING OF STRIPMAP SAR DATA3579. 1. 1 Mode differences3579. 1.2 Stripmap-to-Spotlight Conversion Process3589. 1. 3 Image Example3619.2 FORWARD-LOOK SAR369. 2. 1 Geometry Model3629.2.2 Image Attributes3639.2.3 Image Examples3679.3 INTERFEROMETRIC SAR3679.3. 1 Nature of SAR Interferometry369.3.2 Interferometry Mode3709.3.3 Processing requirements9.3.4 Height Measurement Error3759.3.5 Absolute Height Information3779.3.6 Orthorectification3799.3.7 Image Examples3809,3. 8 Other Approaches to Height Measurement3839.4 VIBRATING TARGET DETECTION3869. 4. 1 Data Coilection Model3879. 4.2 Effect of Vibration3899.4. 3 Smearing of Paired echoes3909.4.4 Phase Adjustment to Focus Paired echoes3929. 4.5 Vibration Detection Process3949.4.6 Simulated Examples with Vibrating Targets3969.5 SUMMARY399REFERENCE399Chapter 10 Range Migration Algorithm40110.1 SIGNAL MODEL40210.2 ALGORITHM OVERVIEW40710.2. 1 Along-Track Fourier Transform40910.2.2 Matched Filtering41310.2.3 Stolt Interpolation41610.2.4 Two-Dimensional Inverse Fourier Transform42010.3 ANALYTICAL DEVELOPMENT42010.3. 1 Principle of Stationary Phase10.3.2 Along-Track Fourier Transform Analysis10.3.3 Matched Filtering Analysis42710.3. 4 Stolt Interpolation Analysis42710.4 ASPECTS OF RANGE MIGRATION PROCESSING42810.4.1 Along-Track Sampling Requirements42810.4.2 Processing Squinted data42910.4.3 Space-Variant Impulse Response10.4.4 Approximation for Stolt Interpolation43210.4.5 Relation between Range Migration and polar Format algorithms43310.5 APPLICATIONS OF RANGE MIGRATION PROCESSING10.5.1 L-Band Sar43610.5.2 Ultra-Wideband SAR for FOPEN43710.6 SUMMARY438REFERENCES439Chapter 11 Chirp Scaling Algorithm443II SIGNAL MODEL WITHOUT DECHIRP-ON-RECEIVE11.2 ALGORITHM OVERVIEW44711.2.1 Azimuth Fourier Transform4711.2.2 Chirp Scaling Operation44911.2.3 Range Compression45211. 2. 4 Two-Dimensional Phase Compensation455I1.2.5 Azimuth inverse Fourier Transform45511.3 ANALYTICAL DEVELOPMENT456[1.3.1 Azimuth fourier transform456I 1.3.2 Chirp Scaling Operation46111.3.3 Range Fourier Transform4611.3.4 Two-Dimensional Matched Filtering46311.3.5 Range Inverse Fourier Transform46411.3.6 Two-Dimensional Phase Compensation11.3. 7 Azimuth Inverse Fourier Transform46411.4 ALGORITHM LIMITATIONS46511.5 ALGORITHM APPLICATIONS46811.6 SUMMARY470EFERENCES471Chapter 12 Comparison of Image Formation Algorithms12.1 IMAGE FORMATION ALGORITHM MODELS47412.1.1 Polar Format algorithm47412.1.2 Range Migration Algorithm47612.1.3 Chirp Scaling Algorthm47612.2 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY47912.3 ADDITIONAL ASPECTS OF ALGORITHM PERFORMANCE12.3. 1 Polar Format algorithm48212.3.2 Range Migration Algorithm48412.3.3 Chirp Scaling Algorithn48412. 4 SUMMARY485REFERENCES486Appendix A Fast Algorithm for Digital Quadrature Demodulation487REFERENCES493Appendix B Tomographic Processing of spotlight Data495B. 1 TOMOGRAPHIC RECONSTRUCTIONB 2 ALGORITHM ATTRIBUTES497REFERENCES498Appendix C Removal of Residual video Phase501C1 PRESENCE OF RVP501C2 COMPENSATION WITH A FREQUENCY-DEPENDENT DELAY502C3 UTILITY OF RVP COMPENSATION505Appendix D Sidelobe Control in SAR Imagery507DI FINITE APERTURESD 2 COMMON WEIGHTING FUNCTIONS512D3 SPATIALLY VARIANT APODIZATION515D4 SUMMARY526REFERENCES529Appendix E Description of SAR Images531E 1 DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM531E2 GROUND-TO-AIR IMAGING RADAR531E 3 ROTATING PLATFORM FACILITY533E4 P-3/SAR SYSTEM534E5 SIMULATED IMAGES535REFERENCESAcronyms537Symbols541Index549

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