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sentaurus sde

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sentaurus structure editor user guideContentsAbout This GuideXXVAudienceXXVRelated Publications.. XXVITypographic Conventions··Customer Support.,,.,..,XXVIAccessing solⅤNet..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,XXVIContacting the Synopsys Technical Support CenterContacting Your Local TCAD Support Team DirectlyXXVAcknow ledgmentsXXVIllChapter 1 OverviewIntroduction to Sentaurus Structure editorACIS Geometry KernelChapter 2 Launching Sentaurus Structure EditorStarting sentaurus Structure editor.Command-Line optionsBatch mode············55567Heap sizeScheme Script Syntax-Checking.·······Interactive modeLoading a Boundary and Mesh Command File at StartupExiting sentaurus structure editorSaving and loading Files from Graphical User Interface······Opening models88999Saving modelsaving boundaries...,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10Importing files10Rg Aca fileChapter 3 Graphical User Interface13Introduction to graphical User Interface13GUI Modes14Menu b14molarsSentaurus structure Editor User GuideIll2010.03ContentsToolbar session persistenceLists19Ⅴ iew windowCommand-Line window.....,,,,,.20Undoing and redoing actions21Shortcut Keys22Customizing graphical User Interface23Configuring Command-Line window..23Changing Attributes of Graphical User Interface24Background color.24GUI Style24Size of main window24Position of main window..24Restoring Settings of Graphical User Interf25g entitiesSnapping modes26Printingg26Defining Parameters from the Graphical User Interface27Chapter 4 Controlling viewsZooming, Panning, and Orbiting with Mouse Operations29Interactive Cutting Plane viewerPetive and orthographic views in 3D31Selecting the rendering mode32View Orientation.........34Showing and hiding coordinate aDisplaying Grid Lines35isplaying Rulercaling y iew36Visualizing selected Geometric ob36Quick Access to Placements, Refinements, and doping profiles..........37Visualizing the Internal Entity Representation··············.·······38Grid and doping profile viewer..39Mesh value blanking43AxiS-aligned windowin4Data value-driven blanking......45Blanking the Front or Back of the Current view.46Data ProbingCut plane47Scheme Commands for Controlling Display of Grid/Data FilesSentaurus Structure Editor User GuideD-201003ContentsChapter 5 Generating Geometric StructuresModeling Unit ancRg Range...,49Creating a New st50Reinitializing sentaurus structure editor0Setting interactive Work prefered0Exact Coordinates···50Snapping.......51Active material51Naming region52Overlap behavior··········,···52Basic 2D shapes54Rectangles..54Regular polygons54PolygonsCircle55Ellipse56Ruled regio56Other Basic 2D Shapes........58Editing2 D Shapes.…adding a vertex in 2D58Moving a vertex in 2D59Moving region edges in 2D60Moving regions in2D.…60Deleting vertices in 2D61Rounding in 2D垂鲁·······Chamfering in 2D63Cutting in 2DSplitting Structures in 2D64Simplifying 2D StructuresAligning Vertices in 2D65Merging Collinear Edges....68Breaking Nearly Axis-aligned Edges72Edge Length QueriesBasic 3D Shapes75CuboidsCylinders.75Spheres·::,······,,,,,,,,76Ellipsoids77Other basic 3d shapes77Sentaurus structure Editor User Guide2010.03ContentsEditing 3D Shapes.78Chamfering Edges in 3D78Rounding edges in 3D.,,79Tapering80Creating 3D Objects from ID and 2D Objects86Wires.....,,...,,,,,............86Extrudg87Sweeping a 2d object89Sweep Distance.....Sweep Along a Vector91Sweep Around an AXis(regular and Corner S weeps)Sweep Along a wire96eep Options98Sweeping Examples...……100Skinningfault skinning103Skinning with normals.104Skinning with vectors105Skinning with guides106Skinning example....,,,107Editing 2d and 3D Structures108Explicit Boolean Operations108Changing the material of a region.......,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,110Changing the Name of a Region111Deleting Regions.…,.…112Separating lumps112Two-dimensional Cuts from a 3D Structure113Split-Insert Stretching of a Device114Extending a 2D device116Trimming a 3d structure,,,,,,,,117Coordinate Systems and Transformations...118Work planes···.....,,,,,.,119Local coordinate systems..121Device scaling....122Entity Transformations: Scaling, Translation, Rotation, and Reflection.......... 123Local Scaling of Entities24Difference between sdegeo scale and sdegeo scale-selected125Translation垂··127Rotati128Reflection·130Scheme extensions for transformations31Sentaurus Structure Editor User GuideD-201003ContentsChapter 6 Structure Generation Using Etching and Deposition133Overview..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,·..133Base Coordinate system135Default coordinate s ystem Convention135Sentaurus Process Coordinate System Convention136Selecting the Coordinate System Convention......136Mask layout Input and mask generation...,136Mask generation....137TCAD Layout Reader of Sentaurus Structure Editor.............. 138Loading TCAD Layouts.……139Finding layer Names and Layer IDs139applying a stretch140Selecting the Simulation Domain.,,141Finding Coordinates of Bounding Box...141Creating and Using Masks..142Coordinate System Support····.,,,,,,,,,142Layout-driven Contact Assign143Layout-driven Meshing.........146Emulation comman148Syntax and keywords149Process Emulation algorithms56The le156The lopx algorithm156The Pt algorithm..,,,,,,157The sweep Algorithm·58Converting Between Earlier and Current Syntax,158Restrictions on handling mixed models159Process Emulation Steps,,,,,,,,,160Defining domain160Generating Substrate160Patterning......垂············160Patterning Keywords and Keyword Combinations.,160Anisotropic Patterning16lIsotropic Patterning.Photo Operation162Photo Keywords and Keyword combinations...162Example)epos163Deposition Key words and Keyword Combinations.…,,……163Anisotropic Deposition166Sentaurus structure Editor User Guide2010.03ContentsIsotropic Deposition167Selective depositionDirectional Deposition.........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,170ShadewingRounding and Advanced rounding173EtchilEtching Keywords and Keyword Combinations∴..∴.∴∴174Example: Etching Operation Using Different Etch Options......174Example: Multimaterial etching....,,,,175Some notes about multimaterial etching.,176Some notes about shadowing....178Polishing∵.179Interconnect Laver generation179Interconnect Layer Generation Keywords and Keyword Combinations... 180Example: Generating an Interconnect Structure180Removing material,18Doping and Implantationl81Sentaurus process and sentaurus structure editor interaction183Concept.....183Strategy183Sentaurus Process and Sentaurus Structure Editor as Sentaurus Workbench Project 184Tool Integration Ligament flow editor··············185Process Emulation Example187Chapter 7 Electrical and Thermal Contacts193Overview....,,,,,,,,,,,...193Defining and activating a contact....194Deleting a Contact...,,,,195assigning edges or faces to a contact,,,,,,,,,,,,..195Assigning a region boundary to a contact197Removing Edges or Faces from a Contact················198Creating New Edges or Faces for Use in Contacts198Contact Assignment Examples200Chapter 8 Generating Mesh and Doping Profiles205Overview.......,,,,,,,,..205Defining Areas for Mesh Refinement or Doping206Line-Segment ref/Eval windows....,,......,....... 206Rectangular and Polygonal ref/Eval Windows206Sentaurus Structure Editor User GuideD-201003ContentsCuboidal ref/eval windows208Extracting Ref/Eval window from Face···208Deleting ref/Eval windows ......209Mesh refinement definitions210Regular refinement boxes210Multibox refinements.,213Sentaurus mesh axis aligned section216Delaunizer section217Offset 3D Refinements219Tensor Mesh Refinements222Defining doping profiles223Constant Doping Profiles223Analytic Doping Profiles225External 2D and 3D Doping Profiles230Particle Doping Profiles...236Controlling the boundary tessellationGlobal tessellation settings··垂.238Tessellating Spherical Faces242Facewise Tessellation Settings243Automatically Assigning Local Refinements to Optimize the Quality of the TessellatedBoundary Output244Scheme functions for Controlling tessellation245Building the mesh246Chapter 9 Working with scheme and scheme Extensions249Data Type249Basic scheme programming for users of sentaurus structure editor250Basic scheme syntax....251Defining Simple variables and Data Types...,,,251Printing text to Standard Output252String Operations252Lists..253Arithmetic expressions255Boolean Operati256If blocks256Simple do loops258For each I258Procedures.,,,,,259System Calls260Error signaling to sentaurus workbench260Sentaurus structure Editor User GuideX2010.03ContentsChapter 10 Geometric Query Functions261Entity ids and attributes261Topological Entity Types..262Selecting Geometric Objects264Graphic-Supported Object Selection264Script-based Object Selection.........264Finding Region Names and Material Properties267Automatic Region-Naming.267List of Supported Materials268Finding Vertex Positions·269Vertex-Vertex Distance60Debugging topological entities270Finding edges, Faces, and Other Elements of a Body,,270Bounding box query272Scheme Functions for Entity Queries...273Chapter 11 Miscellaneous Utilities275Background Image Loader275User-Defined Dialog Boxes276Example: Defining a Dialog Box277Step 1: Define a Scheme Function That the Dialog Box Will Execute277Step 2: Define and Configure the Dialog Box278Step 3: Launch the Dialog Box....,,,278Starting sentaurus structure editor with User-Defined variables··.·279User-Defined Gui Interactions,,279Dialog Boxes for Obtaining values279GUI Actions for obtaining positions280Message boxes,,,,,,,,,,,280Draw Migration Support280Mdraw-Compatibility gui mode........,281Building an Mdraw Mesh281Switching Between Gravity Snapping281Adding Edge to Active Contact Set281Mdraw-Tcl Script Converter282Appendix A commands283Presentation of Commands283bbox283bbox-exact.,,,,284XSentaurus Structure Editor User GuideD-201003

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