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自然资本计划的InVEST软件参考书,里面详细介绍软件使用,模型方法以及通用数据下载。5.10 Visitation: Recreation and Tourism5.11 Wave Attenuation erosion reduction Coastal protection5.12 Managed Timber production2435. 13 Wave Energy Production2505. 14 Offshore Wind Energy Production2635.15 Marine Finfish Aquacultural Production5.16 Fisheries2875.17 CropProduction3106 Tools to Facilitate Ecosystem Service Analyses3196. 1 Overlap Analysis Model3196.2 Coastal Vulnerability Model3287 Supporting Tools7.1 RouteDEM3557. 2 Delineate3567. 3 Scenario Generator.3587.4 In VEST Scripting guide and aPi368I Acknowledgements3708 Acknowledgements3718.1 Data sources3718.2 Individuals and organizationsI PDEⅤ ersion of the user’ s Guide373PartIntroductionCHAPTERONEDATA REQUTREMENTS AND OUTPUTSSUMMARY TABLE2InvEsT User Guide, Release +VERSION+InVEST Data and Model InventoryStepData requirementsProcessoutputsBiodiversity: Habitat Quality and Rarity (Tier o)Current Land use/ land coverThreat impact distanceRelative threat impact weightsCalculate habitatForm of threat decay functionHabitat degradationRequiredsupplyThreat mapsdegradation based on index Habitat qualitythreat intensity and indexHabitat suitability (optional: by species sensitivityaroHabitat sensitivity to threatsHalf saturation constantProtected statuscurrent and or Futurehabitet types relative Relative habitat rarityto baseline; ca culates index for current and/orfuture land use/ landBaseline land usa land coverdegradation ofcover; Degradationbaseline based or quality for baselinethreat intensity andOptionalSupplysensitivity/Calculates quality anddegradation of futurebiefIdiu Based urlHabiLaL ueyldualiullpFuLur e ldriu used d coverthreat intensity and quality and optionallysensitivity; optionally rarity for futurecalculates habitatScenarIoarity alative tbaselineCarbon Storage and sequestrationLand use/ and cov∈rCarbon in aboveground biomassRequiredTotal carbon stockServiceCarbon in below grourd biomassLooks up carbonstock(s) per pixel(Mgr pixel)Carbon in dead organic matterCarbon in oilCarbon removed via timber harvestFirst year of timber harvestHarvest frequencyCalculates carbonstores in harvestedTotal carbon stockHalf life of harvested wood productswood products perncluding that in HWPOptionalServiceMg/pi×eCarbon density in harvested woodBiomass conversion expansion factorFuture land use/lard coverCalculates difference Carbon sequestrationbetwean carbon stocks rates (Mg/pixel yr)Value of sequestered carbonDiscount rateCalculates value ofalue of sequesteredOptionalValueTimcarbonCa roon(currency/ pixel/ yr)Annual rate of charge in price of carbonHydropower production (Tier 1)Land use/ and cov∈rMean annual preciPitation (mm)Mean anni lal referenceCalculateevapotranspiration (rm)yicld as differanceMcan annualyicldRequiredSupplyPlant available water content(fraction) betwean precip tation (mm/watershed/yr,Evapotranspiration coefficientand actualmm/pixel/yr)Root depth(mm≌auL=sHi=iuEffective scil depth(mm)Seasonality factorConsumptive use by LULCSubtracts vterMean annual waterRequiredServiceSubwatershed and watershedconsumed forbyyield available forshapefilesdifferent land use and hydropower production(mmewsatershedeCalibration co efficientTurbine efficiency (0.7-0.95ENergy productionEstimates power for aInflow volume for hydropower(fraction) given volume cf water(KWH/watershed/yr, 3KWH/Pixel/yr)Hydraulic head (m)OptionaValueOperation cost (currency)Hydropower price (currency)Calculates net presentNetInvEsT User Guide, Release +VERSION+Water Purification: Nutrient Retention(Tier 1)Lard uselard coverDEMNutrient export(kg/ watershed/yrrRequiredSupplyCalculates nutrient kg/ pixel/yr)Nutrientinput data requiremerts)export and retention retentionExport coefficient in kg ha/yr (forCkg/watershed/ yr,nutrient(s)o interestkg/pixel/ yr)Nutrient fi tration efficiency (%)Allowed level of nutrient pollutionwater purificationSubtracts retentionthrough ecosystemRequiredService Subwatershed and watershedal to amount ofnutrient retentionshapfilesallowed pollution(kg/watershed,yrkg/pixel yr)Mean annual nutrient removal costsAvoided treatmentOptionalValueLifespan (years)Calculates presentvalue of costs(currency/ watershed/ yr.cDiscount rate (o)Sediment Retenion Model: Avoided Dredging and Water quality Regulation (Tier 1)Lard uselard coveRainfall erosivitySoil erodibilityMean annual erosionCrop factorCalculates generated (tons watershed/yrpixel/ yr)RequiredSupplyManagement factorsediment at pixelannual sedimentsediment retention efficiency for each routing ing USLE and retentionDEMscale(tons/watershed/yrrLULCtons/pixel/yr)Slope threshold (Flow accumulat on thresholdReservoir dead volume (reservoir points sullenlyMean annual generaterRequiredReservoirof int∈restsediment loads inand retainedserviceSubwatershed and Watershed shapfiles reservior dead volume sediment loadsTreatmentAllowed sediments load in rivers (TMDL, subtracts sedimentRequiredetc.)Plant serviceads equal to allowed sediment retention ofdvalue to vatertreatment planteAvoidedMcan annual dredging cost (Currency)Calculates presentAvoided dredge costsDredgeLifespan (yeaRs)value of dredgingcurrency/watershed/ yrvalueDiscount rate (o)co=tecurrency/ picc/ yr)OptionalAvoidedMean annual sediment removal cost (Currency) calculates presentAvoided treatmentTreatment Lifespan (years)alue of treatmentrnstsvaluecoetA(currency/watershed/yrDiscount rate (o)currency /pixelyyrManaged I imber production(lier 1)Location cf timber parcelsArea per timber parcelHarvested timberRequiredServicePropo tion of timber harvested perCalculates amount of volume (m3/parcel/yr)LittLer IldI VHsLeuparcel per pericdbiomass (Ma/parcelyr)Wood biomass harvested per parcel pernenadHdr vesL peI Iod per pd celHarvested wood mass: volumeconversion factorMarket price of timberAnnual average plantation maintenancecostsCalculates net present Net present value ofOptionalvalueAnnual average harvest costsvalue of timberTimeframe into future harvests will be harvested(currency/ parcel/yr)valuedDIscount rateInvEsT User Guide, Release +VERSION+Crop pollination (Ticr 0)Land Use/Land CoverNesting Hab itat PreferenceIndex of pollina: orRelative Index of seasonal pollinator activiy Ca culates rela ive abundance (relativeRequiredRelative availability of nesting habitat abundance ofabundance/pixeltypespollinatorsrelativeRelative abundance of flo wers per LULCabundancelatershediAverage foraging distanceCalculates relatveIndex of relativeRequiredServiceRelative abundance index (supply from abundance ofpollinator abundanceabove)pollinators visitingon farms (relativeeach fe-mabundance/farmCalculates relativeIndex of cop wieldOptionalValueCrop half saturation constantadditional value ofvalue froT pollinationpollina orrelative value/ pixel)Food from fisheriesspatial structureestimates aul-Iife history traits: age/stage-specificNumber of total returnsabundance available (escapement +catch)RequiredSupplysurvival, fecundity age strucureFor harvest oror escaped spAwnersproductivity(R/S)HsLdpelllenl; LierIuFeI yeal u LelIu inI(lambda)of returns returns or escapementfishing mortality ratc (agc/stage spccificharvest management strategy1. sector-specific catch or harvest rateestimates n Imer nf number of fish landedRequiredServicelanded fish from eachper year by sector2. target escapement and sector-specific population(cammercial andsubsistence)allocationAnnual average sediment removal costOptionavaluemarket priceCalculates present net presert value ofvalue of fish landes fish landed by sectoroperating costsFood from Aquaculturefarm operations (number of fish, feed,target harvest weight, weight atoutplanting, date of outplantingRequiredServiceestimates b omass of Biomass of fishfallowing practices)fish produced per farm prcduced per farmfarm locationstemperatureoperating costsCalculates presentOptionalValuemarket pricevaluc of fish produced net presert value ofrevenuesper farmfish produced per farTProtection from coastal erosionwind fieldcalculates attenuatedweve height:wave fieldalculates total veterlevel from run-up (viaRequireduppIbathymetryre height and wave area of shoreline ostshoreline type/backshore characteristis storm sus. or via per storm everttidesset-up〕andcalculates cross-shcrebenthic biogenic habitatstopography (optional)avoided loss ofLand use/land cover map (location ofproperty oRequiredServIceproperties or beaches eroded) location LchclaL=s avoided lus: iniflashluLLure Her =velLand type of infrastructure placed inwBwo biogenic hab tat avoided loss of beachnearshore regionper event privatevalue of property or beaches erodedvalue of avoidedCalculates presentproperty口Beach carrying capacityvalue oF damage per per event; valLe of sSinfrastructure dar agOptionalvalueert of a beachavoided dunevisitor, beadbeach nourishment costsnourishment orshoreline protection:ale ef infractructHra erodedshoreline hardening, value of avoided touristrevenue lost5shoreline hardening costsInvEsT User Guide, Release +VERSION+Protection from coastal inundationwind fieldcalculates attenuatedwave fieldwave height;calculates total veterbathymetrylevel from run-up (via area of property orRequiredSupplywave height and veve infrastructure floodshoreline type/backshore characteristics set up)and/or visper eventstorm surge;benthic biogenic habitatscalculates stability oftopographysand dunesLand use/land cover map (location ofproperties or beaches eroded)calculates avoidedavoided property orRequiredServicearea Hooded wwwo infrastructure damagelocation and type of infrastructurebiogenic habiatplaced in nearshore regionvalue of property inundateddune nourishment costsCalculates presentvalue of avoidedvalue of infrastructure inundatedproperty orvalue of flooded area infrastructure damageOptionalValueor infrastructure, costsof dune nourishmentor added shg-elinman-made shoreline protectionnourishment orprotectionconstruction costsshoreline protectionWave energy generationSupplywave heightRequiredwave periodresource fro vavewave pover resource atbathymetrydataeach locationdevice attributes(conversion efficiencyRequiredServicearray designcalculates captured captured wave energyWave energyper array (Mwh)array locationcapital costs (e. g, device, cables, etc.)Calculates presentnet present value ofOptionalValueoperating costsvalue of electricitelectricity captured fromrevenuepLuie pel =ldyvid ves beladYlife span of array facilityAesthetic value from viewshedsattributes of marine environment(location of natural desired featuresdevelopment/infrastructure)calculates points fromRequiredSupplyattributes of shoreline environmentwhich natral/ desired orClocation of natural desired featuresinfrastructure can beobserveddevelopment/infrastructure)battopographyaccess pointscalculates points fromnumber of naturalRequiredServicelocation of public parkswhich infrastructure(non-infrastruc-ure ordevelopment) views perlocation of private propertycan be observed。cati。r6InvEsT User Guide, Release +VERSION+Recreation valuelocation of natural desired features forrecreation (e.g. whale sightingsmammal haul outs, kelp for ScUBaRequiredSupplybeaches, etc.)maps locations oflocation and gu ality of environmental recreation activitiesconditions affecting recreation valueleg, wave energy for beach enjoymentor wildlife viewing)location of infrastructure in support ofrecreation activities(e. g. campgroundsboat launches, etc.)distance between access points andindex of recreationRequiredServiceactvitiescalculates index ofmportance by activityrecreation importance and weighted overallIndexvisitation rates for each location, activityvisitation for each activitytravel costsCalculates presentnet present value ofOptionalValuevalue of electricitelectricity captured fromrevenue from activitiescaptured per arraywawes per array

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