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无线通信中的射频收发系统设计(英文版) RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communication 作者:顾其诤(Gu Qizhen)RE SYSTEM DESIGNOF TRANSCEIVERS FORWIRELESSCOMMUNICATIONSQizheng guNokia mobile phones. IncSpringerQiRF system design of transceivers for wireless communications Qizheng guIncludes bibliographical references and indeISBN0-387-24161-2(alk. paper)-ISBN0-387-24162-0(e-bo0k)1. Radio--Transmitter-receivers. 2. Wireless communication systems--Equipment andplies. I. TitleTK6560.G782005621.384131-dc222005049760isBn0-387-24161-2 e-ISBN 0-387-24162-0 Printed on acid-free paperIsBN978-0387-24161-6C 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, IncSII rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part withouthe written permission of the publisher(Springer Science+Business Media, Inc, 233 SpringStreet, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews orscholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrievalelectronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology nowlown or hereafter developed is forbiddenThe use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks and similar termseven if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as towhether or not they are subject to proprietary rightsPrinted in the united states of america987654321SPIN11049357springeronline.comTo my wife, Lixianandto our familys younger generations, Ye and ethanContentsPreface,……xiiChapter 1 Introduction1.1. Wireless Systems看·非1. 1. Mobile Communications Systems..................11.2. Wireless local area network(WLAN)……3. Bluetooth4. Global Positioning System(GPS)1.5. Ultra Wide-band Communications3451. 2. System Design Convergence·鲁。··。。。。。。。0。鲁··1.3. Organization of This book681References··················.。a···········.Associated referencesChapter 2. Fundamentals of system design132.1. Linear Systems and transformations.132.1.1. Linear Systen…2. 1.2. Fourier Series and Transformation152.1.3. Frequency response oflti Systems……2.1.4. Band-Pass to Low-Pass Equivalent Mapping and Hilbert Transform2.2 Nonlinear System Representation and analysis approaches.. 292.2.1. Representation of Memoryless Nonlinear Systems…………302.2.2. Multiple Input Effects in Nonlinear Systems………….302.2.3. Memoryless Band- Pass Nonlinearities and Their Low-PassEquivalents…342. 3. Noise and random Process372.3.1. Noise Power and Spectral representation………………138VIll2.3. 2 Noise and Random Process Through Linear Systems462.33. Narrow-Band Noise representation………492.3. 4 Noise Figure and Noise Temperature542.4. Elements of Digital Base- Band Systen.………,……5824.1. Sampling Theorem and Sampling Process……………1592.4.2. Jitter Effect of Sampling and Quantizing Noise……….642.4.3. Commonly Used Modulation Schemes.....672.4.4. Pulse-Shaping Techniques and Intersymbol Interference (ISi)...782.4.5. Error Probability of Detection, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), andCarrier-to- Noise ratio(CNR)………882.4.6 RAKE Receiver104References108Associated References109Chapter 3. Radio Architectures and Design Considerations. 1133.l. Superheterodyne Architecture,……,,,…,,1143. 1. 1. Configuration of Superheterodyne Radio3.1.2. Frequency Planning…..….…193. 1.3. Design Consideration of Superheterodyne Transceiver1333.2. Direct-Conversion(Zero IF) Architecture1423. 2. 1. Configuration of Direct-Conversion Radio,1433.2.2. Technical Challenges1463.2.3. Design Consideration of a Direct-Conversion Transceiver... 1553.3. Low IF Architecture3.3.1. Configuration of Low正 Radio.………………………1723.3.2. Approaches to Achieve High Image Rejection1773.3.3. Some Design Considerations…1853.4.Band- pass sampling Radio Architecture……,…18834.1. Basics of band- pass Sampling…...……………1893.4.2. Configuration of Band-pass Sampling Radio Architecture ... 1943.4.3. Design Considerations198Appendix3A. Intermodulation distortion Formulas…………211Appendix 3 B Effective Interference Evaluation of Second-OrderDistortion Products213Appendix 3C. I and Q Imbalance and Image-Rejection Formula..216Appendix3D. Estimation of ADC equivalent Noise Figure…………,2l9References222Associated References223Chapter 4. Receiver System Analysis and Design....... 2294.1.Introduction,2294.2. Sensitivity and Noise Figure of receiver…………………………2304.2.1. Sensitivity Calculation.............2304.2.2. Cascaded Noise Figure2324.2.3. Receiver desensitization evaluation due to transmitter noiseEmission in the receiver band .4.2.4. Influence of Antenna VSwr to Receiver Noise Figure..... 2414.3. Intermodulation Characteristics ..m mmmmmm. 2464.3.1. Intermodulation Products and Intercept Points………….2464.3.2. Cascaded Input Intercept Point2504,3.3. Calculation of Receiver Intermodulation Characteristics. ..... 2584.4. Single- Tone desensitization……,…,,…,,,,,,,……,2664. 41. Cross-Modulation Products…2664.4.2. Determination of the Allowed Single-Tone Interferer...... 2704.5. Adjacent /Alternate Channel selectivity and BlockingCharacteristics.m..m..2714.5. 1 Desired Signal Level and allowed Degradation2714.5.2. Formula of Adjacent/Alternate Channel Selectivity and blockingCharacteristics2724.5.3. Two-Tone Blocking and AM Suppression Characteristics... 2754.6. Receiver Dynamic Range and agc system2774.6. 1 Dynamic Range of a Receiver07着非,·,非74.6.2. Receiver AGC System for Mobile Stations2784.6. 3. Dynamic Range and other characteristics of Adc2844.7. System Design and performance evaluation .ee...oo..... 2874.7.1. Receiver system Design Basics..................2874.7. 2 Basic Requirements of Key devices in Receiver System ......2894.7.3. Receiver System Performance Evaluation…296Appendix 4A. Conversion Between Power dBm and Electric FieldStrength dBμV/m………………………………………………298Appendix4B. Proof of relationship(4.4.6)………………n300Appendix 4C. A Comparison of wireless Mobile Station MinimumPerformance Requirements....300Appendix 4D. An Example of Receiver Performance Evaluation byMeans of matlab.References308Associated References308Chapter 5. Transmitter System Analysis and Design3115.1. Introduction.mmsmmmommmmmmmmmmsmmmmomm 3115.2. Transmission Power and spectrum………………31253. Modulation Accuracy……………,,…,………,…3145.3. 1 Error Vector Magnitude EVM and Waveform Quality Factor p 3145.3. 2 Influence of Intersymbol or Interchip Interference to EVM......3185.3.3. Influence of Close-in Phase noise of synthesized lo to eVm.. 3225.3.4. Carrier Leakage Degrading the Modulation Accuracy3245.3. 5 Modulation Accuracy Degradations resulting from Other Factors3275.3.6. Total evm and waveform Quality factor33154. Adjacent and Alternate Channel Power………q。鲁鲁·鲁·。·.。325.4.1. Low-Pass Equivalent Behavioral Model Approach3335.4.2. Multitone Techniques.3385.4.3. ACPR of Cascaded Stages in Transmitter Chain........ 3405.5. Noise-Emission Calculation.mommmmosmomommso. 3435.5.1. Formulas for noise-Emission Calculation ..................................3435.5.2. Some Important notes in Noise- Emission Calculation3455.5.3. Noise Expressed in Voltage3475.5. 4 Examples of Noise -Emission Calculations............34856.S0 me Important Considerations in System Design…………3495.6. 1. Comparison of Architectures.......................... 3495.6.2. Transmitter Chain Gain Distribution and Performance...... 3515.6.3. AGC and Power Management鲁鲁鲁354Appendix 5A. Approximate Relationship Between p and EVM…………359Appendix 5B. Image Suppression of Transmission Signal-……………360Appendix 5C. Amplifier Nonlinear Simulation: ACPR Calculation. 363References.mosmssomnsmmo.. m 382Associated References .m....m.m.m...383Chapter6. Applications of System Design…………………38761. Multimode and Multiband Superheterodyne transceiver………3876.1. 1. Selection of a Frequency Plan.3896. 1.2. Receiver System Design3916. 1.3. Transmitter System Design4136.2. Direct Conversion Transceiver.6.2.1. Receiver System Design…………….……4296. 2. 2. Transmitter System Design449References. mom mom.mm.. 462Associated references462Index……1-1119467

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