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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > PHP在线gearscore计算器/检查器(魔兽世界)(开源)


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PHP Online GearScore Calculator / Checker (World of Warcraft) (Open-Source) This PHP class calculates a World of Warcraft GearScore by supplying it the character"s play region, realm, and name. The class queries the World of Warcraft Armory to retrieve the character"s items and class, calculates the character GearScore, and finally returns it for your personal usage. The score returned is the same as the popular in-game addon "GearScore" / "GearScore Lite". However, the code is completely different, rewritten, and I am in no way affiliated with the addon author, in fact I despise him for trying to take this class down on other sites. Please see the Wiki tab for Example Usage of this powerful script, and the Downloads tab to download the PHP class. LIVE DEMO! http://eladnava.com/demo/index.php?app=wow

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