资 源 简 介
Lua for PHP extension
Plua has be moved to PECL, http://pecl.php.net/package/lua
PLua is a PHP extension which with the Lua interpreter embed in.
PLua is an rewritten version of PHP-Lua(http://phplua.3uu.de/), rewritten codes, add support for LUA_TFUNCTION return by Lua, optimized profermance, made compatible with c89, and more other new features...
$lua = new Plua($luascriptfile = NULL);
$lua->eval("lua_statements"); //eval lua codes
$lua->include("luascriptfile"); //import a lua script
$lua->assign("name", $value); //assign a php variable to Lua
$lua->register("name", $function); //register a PHP function to Lua with "name"
$lua->call($stringluafunction_name, array() /args/);
$lua->call($resouceluaanonymous_function, array() /*args);