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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > AQL(astconf查询语言)是一个SQL语句,可以用来写和PHP在容易读Asterisk配置文件库。


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AQL (Astconf Query Language) is a SQL-like statement, which can be used to write and read asterisk config files library for PHP in an easy way. DESCRIPTION AQL focuses on making control of asterisk config files easily, fast and reliably. Users can write and read asterisk config files by writing normal SQL-like statements, and no longer need to consider how to write the right settings. Suggestion: * More than 10000 extension users: use AQL to write and read standard config files except for extensions. * Less than 10000 extension users: use AQL to write and read all config files including extensions. * Less than 1000 extension users: use AQL to write and read all config files including extensions. SYNOPSIS ```

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