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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > 生成WSDL从PHP和可选运行SOAP服务器


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PhpWsdl I started to develop my own WSDL generator for PHP because the ones I saw had too many disadvantages for my purposes. The main problem - and the main reason to make my own WSDL generator - was receiving NULL in parameters that leads the PHP SoapServer to throw around with "Missing parameter" exceptions. F.e. a C# client won"t send the parameter, if its value is NULL. But the PHP SoapServer needs the parameter tag with "xsi:nil="true"" to call a method with the correct number of parameters. I found a solution for this problem and developed a complex type supporting WSDL generator that can also run the PHP SoapServer with only a single line of code. I hope my solution is helpful for you, too. Example usage The fastest usage (ever? ;): require_once ( "class.phpwsdl.php" );PhpWsdl::RunQuickMode ( ); This will run the PHP SoapServer and determine all the configuration, if your webser