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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > 在基于PHP的基础图像简单的皮肤检测


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This is a simple class for detecting skin in images. Each color of a pixel is transformed into the hsv-colorspace and then compared against a skin-color database. Usage $skindetection = new SkinDetection("images/example1.jpg", "output1.png");$skindetection->loadSkinColors("skin_colors.txt");$skindetection->setThresholdH(0.04, 0.04);$skindetection->setThresholdS(0.09, 0.09);#$skindetection->enableImageMagick();#$skindetection->enableResize(50, 10);$return = $skindetection->process();print_r($return); Examples Good Examples images/example1.jpg pixels overall: 32000pixels skin: 16775percent sk

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