资 源 简 介
There is also GIT hosted version of this library, see Lagger on GitHub.
There are 3 event handlers classes:
Lagger_Handler_Errors - to handle PHP-system errors (including FATAL)
Lagger_Handler_Exceptions - to handle exceptions
Lagger_Handler_Debug - to handle custom debug messages
There are 7 classes of actions that can be maked on handling some event:
Lagger_Action_Print - send messages to STDOUT
Lagger_Action_Email - send Email
Lagger_Action_Sms - send SMS
Lagger_Action_FileLog - write to log-file
Lagger_Action_Exception - throw Exception
Lagger_Action_ChromeConsole - send messages to Google Chrome console by PHP Console extension
Lagger_Action_WinSpeak - speak message (just for fu