资 源 简 介
PHP5 UTF-8 is a UTF-8 aware library of functions mirroring PHP"s own string functions
The powerful solution/contribution for UTF-8 support in your framework/CMS, written on PHP.
This library is advance of http://sourceforge.net/projects/phputf8 (last updated in 2007).
UTF-8 support in PHP 5.
Features and benefits
Compatibility with the interface standard PHP functions that deal with single-byte encodings
Ability to work without PHP extensions ICONV and MBSTRING, if any, that are actively used! Uses the fastest available method between MBSTRING, ICONV, native on PHP and hacks.
Useful features are missing from the ICONV and MBSTRING
The methods that take and return a string, are able to take and return null. This useful for selects from a database.
Several methods are able to process arrays recursively: array_change_key_case(),