资 源 简 介
Its just another PHP Framework.
With the aspect of simplicity and flexibility. It will never have the functionality like big framework e.g. CakePHP.
Our slogen is "less is more". Also we try to avoid to use configuration files/code.
The developer should code not cofigure.
Manusing includes:
a small TemplateEngine (working)
a very small and flexible ORM like model-handling (working)
easy json creation (working)
only one configuration file (working)
a very tiny scaffolding web interface(working)
Searchengine optimized links via MOD_REWRITE(in progress)
Database Abstraction Layer(in progress)
PHP 5.2 or higher
Webserver(tested on Apache2)
MySql Database(Other databases will be supported soon)
Its still under construction and in an early stage.