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A code generator (delivered as a simple ANT task) providing a simple implementation of RPC for GWT (as a client) and PHP (as a back-end).
It makes use of JSON-RPC as the underlying RPC protocol.
The code generator is able to produce both Gwt-Java client code and PHP server stub.
What is PhpRpcGen
PhpRpcGen aims at simplifying the integration of GWT with PHP back-ends. The GWT-RPC is really easy to use but requires a Java back-end.
The GWT documentation explains how to integrate GWT client code with a PHP back-end using JSON (see http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/tutorial/JSONphp.html). However the coding environment is not really developer friendly.
PhpRpcGen provides a GWT-PHP-RPC mechanism based upon JSON-RPC as a client/server serialization protocol (the initial version http://json-rpc.org/wiki/specification since it is fairly sufficient).
PhpRpcGen is based upon a kind of IDL (written in XML) that is used to generate both GWT-Java c