资 源 简 介
这是一款基于饭否API的PHP SDK开发包。主要代码是通过新浪微博的API SDK修改而来,其实中间更多的是使用了Oauth 2.0 公用文档得到的。针对于饭否的时间线、好友、微博等接口重写了所有方法。
This is PHP SDK for FanFou based on FanFou APIs. The Code is gained mainly from sina weibo PHP SDK. Among the codes, it is mainly based on the OAuth2.0 public document. The author rewrite all the methods mainly on timeline, friends, weibo apis.
The picture api is still not available coz picture api was not ready when the first edition was publish. The information architecture is different from the one of sina weibo, so the methods and functions are not the same exactly. The basic operations are similar such as OAuth, callbacks etc.