资 源 简 介
------------| EnhanceNet | ------------This is a pre-trained reference implementation of ENet-PAT from "EnhanceNet:Single Image Super-Resolution through Automated Texture Synthesis" for amagnification ratio of 4.It comes with a script which takes care of installing all necessary packagesinside a virtual environment, i.e. all installations take place inside thefolder and can be simply uninstalled by deleting the folder. Advanced usersmay install the packages directly (see FAQ section).Please note that the code has only been tested on Linux and OS/X.If you use this code as part of a publication, please cite:@inproceedings{enhancenet, title={{EnhanceNet}: Single Image Super-Resolution through Automated Texture Synthesis}, author={Sajjadi, Mehdi~S.~M. and Sch{"o}lkopf, Be