资 源 简 介
Just a Simple Python Queue Daemon. The aim is to act as a server for a remote queuing system that supports multiple concurrent clients.
The current version is based on a queue server that instantiates a dictionary of queues. The communication is XML-RPC based. Multiple clients can connect to the server and interact with the server creating/destroying/listing queues and pushing/popping items in the queues. The original Queue API has been reproduced, so the name of the methods, their parameters and the syntax is the same.
- the XML-RPC server accepts only one connection at a time
- the methods are not handling errors yet (deletion of a queue that doesn"t exist etc.)
- actually no errors handling at all
Some ideas:
- if the server is shut down, it should persist to filesystem (so implement recovery at the startup)
- decouple from SimpleXMLRPCServer
- allow multiple way to access (XML-RPC, REST)
- pluggable backends (local Queue, Memcached,