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Python tools for the iRODS data grid
This project provides a set of tools that can be used to design client and server workflows for the iRODS data grid server. It consists of different subprojects, PyRods, embedPython and PyRodsAdminSet. PyRods is a client API that can be used to create client applications in Python which can communicate with a running iRODS system. embedPython is an iRODS module which allows the creation of server-side workflows written in Python. PyRods Admin is a set of GUIs that can be used to simplify iRODS management. The project has been developed as an independent software product at the University of Liverpool since 2010. It currently is being developed as part of the PERICLES project, developing code initially undertaken for the SHAMAN and PrestoPrime projects. The code is open source, under the LGPL license.
PyRods is a Python