资 源 简 介
Templum - fast, extensible and intuitive template engine. Available on Python and PHP.
**7 September 2010** - we start create new template engine inspired by Django. We want to create easy to use Python-style template engine.
Syntax overview
variable is a [var_name] and functions is a {func_name}
math in place [user_age - 20] or {get_date_year - 2000}
access to properties or call method [user.name] or {get_current_user.is_active}
filters this is a functions separated with pipe [article.text | escape] and many filters [article.text | crop 70 | escape]
call methods with parameters
{dateformat artile.added "DD-MM-YYYY"}[artile.added | dateformat "DD-MM-YYYY"]{date format="DD-MM-YYYY"}