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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > 一个易于使用的界面性质EasyGUI Wx相似但使用wxPython

一个易于使用的界面性质EasyGUI Wx相似但使用wxPython

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An easy to use WX interface similar in nature to easygui but uses wxPython. Currently (1 days spare-time work) I have managed to add buttonbox dialog :) Here is a working sample code you can use right now. EasyGui is really nicely designed so I didn"t need to do much work to get this going. Would add other features hopefully soon (too busy for at least two months) import easywx# Button box:print easywx.buttonbox("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaa","title",("a","b","c","d"))# a simple msg box:easywx.msgbox("This is nice is it not?","Some title","nice")# A bool box : print easywx.boolbox("This is cool is it not ? " ,"some title " ) # An Index Box:print easywx.indexbox("Some words of wisdom","some title",("a","b","c"))# A Yes/No Box:print easywx.ynbox("Will it be a yes or a no?","Sample Yes/No box")# A C

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