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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > 一个部件使用Python /简介/ pykde4监控的ATI图形卡

一个部件使用Python /简介/ pykde4监控的ATI图形卡

资 源 简 介

This is a simple widget for KDE SC 4.3 and above that using ATI catalyst driver to monitor core clocks, memory clocks, gpu usage and core temperature. How to install/uninstall: Download the latest version Uninstall any previous version $ plasmapkg -r pyATImon Run the following command in the directory where the file was placed (updated to reflect the actual filename): $ plasmapkg -i pyATImon-0.x.xx.plasmoid The widget should now be listed in your "Add Widgets" screen ![](http://lh4.ggpht.com/gxzNp5uB3BM/SRKSTa22OI/AAAAAAAADWE/FGV7UDnN8d4/s800/PyAtimon_svn.jpg)

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