资 源 简 介
PythoidC is the C language like the Python, by the Python and for the Python
-- CHEN Guang,MD Department of Dermatology, No.1 Hospital of China Medical University
Braceless (no {}), semicolonless (no ; at line ends), white space sensitive (indent/unindent region to express code block)
Auto-completion: no need to remember all the functions, constants, data structures and their corresponding H file. PythoidC automatically parses all the H files, and thus realized step by step auto-completion (like c.stdio.printf)
Introspectable: c.stdio.printf followed by an ENTER key tells the prototype; c.search("printf"), tells its prototype and the corresponding H file;
c.search("printf",0) tells the whole printf family; dir(c.stdio) lists all items/prototypes in std